Laravel: delete() vs destroy() - What’s the Difference?

In this post, we’ll break down the differences between delete() and destroy() so you can use the right method in your Laravel applications.

Laravel: delete() vs destroy() - What’s the Difference? Image

When working with Laravel, deleting records is a common operation. However, developers often wonder whether they should use delete() or destroy(). While both methods remove records from the database, they function differently and serve different use cases.

In this post, we’ll break down the differences between delete() and destroy() so you can use the right method in your Laravel applications.

Understanding delete() in Laravel

What is delete()?

The delete() method is an instance method in Eloquent, meaning you must first retrieve the model instance before calling delete().

Key Features of delete():

  1. Requires a Model Instance – You need to fetch the record first before calling delete().
  2. Supports Conditional Deletion – You can apply query conditions before deleting records.
  3. Triggers Eloquent Events – Events like deleting and deleted will be fired.
  4. Can Delete Multiple Records – If used with a query, it can delete multiple records at once.

Example Usage of delete():

// Fetch and delete a single record
$user = User::find(1);

// Delete multiple records with a condition
User::where('status', 'inactive')->delete();

Understanding destroy() in Laravel

What is destroy()?

The destroy() method is a static method that deletes records by their primary key (ID) without retrieving them first.

Key Features of destroy():

  1. Deletes by ID Directly – No need to fetch records before deleting.
  2. Accepts Multiple IDs – You can pass one or more IDs to delete multiple records.
  3. Triggers Eloquent Events – Like delete(), it also fires deleting and deleted events.

Example Usage of destroy():

// Delete a single record by ID

// Delete multiple records by ID
User::destroy([2, 3, 4]);

When to Use delete() vs destroy()?




Requires fetching model first

Deletes by ID

Supports conditions

Can delete multiple records

Triggers Eloquent events


Which One Should You Use?

  • Use delete() when you already have a model instance or need to apply conditions before deleting.
  • Use destroy() when you want to delete records by their ID(s) without fetching them first.


Both delete() and destroy() serve different purposes in Laravel. If you need to delete records conditionally or work with model instances, use delete(). If you want to delete records by their primary key(s) without retrieving them, destroy() is the way to go.

Next time you need to remove records, make sure you’re using the right method for the job!




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