A Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter

The A4 paper size is the most widely recognized standard, but did you know there are multiple variants within the A-series? Based on the ISO 216 international paper size standard, the A-series includes a range of paper dimensions, from A0 to A10.

Our A-series paper size to pixels converter makes it easy to convert any A-size paper dimensions into pixels for digital use. Whether you're working on graphic design, printing, or digital formatting, this tool ensures accurate conversions based on DPI (dots per inch) settings.

A Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter


Steps to Use the Converter:

  • Enter the PPI value.
  • select the Page size value you want to convert.
  • Press Enter or click the Convert button.

A-Series Paper Standard Sizes

Paper Size Millimeters (Width × Height) Inches (Width × Height)
A0841 × 1189 mm33.1 × 46.8 inches
A1594 × 841 mm23.4 × 33.1 inches
A2420 × 594 mm16.5 × 23.4 inches
A3297 × 420 mm11.7 × 16.5 inches
A4210 × 297 mm8.3 × 11.7 inches
A5148 × 210 mm5.8 × 8.3 inches
A6105 × 148 mm4.1 × 5.8 inches
A774 × 105 mm2.9 × 4.1 inches
A852 × 74 mm2 × 2.9 inches
A937 × 52 mm1.5 × 2 inches
A1026 × 37 mm1 × 1.5 inches
A1118 × 26 mm0.7 × 1 inches
A1213 × 18 mm0.5 × 0.7 inches
A139 × 13 mm0.4 × 0.5 inches

A-Series Paper Sizes to Pixels

Paper Size 72 PPI (Width × Height) 96 PPI (Width × Height) 300 PPI (Width × Height)
A02384 × 3370 px3179 × 4494 px9933 × 14043 px
A11684 × 2384 px2245 × 3179 px7016 × 9933 px
A21191 × 1684 px1587 × 2245 px4960 × 7016 px
A3842 × 1191 px1123 × 1587 px3508 × 4960 px
A4595 × 842 px794 × 1123 px2480 × 3508 px
A5420 × 595 px559 × 794 px1748 × 2480 px
A6298 × 420 px397 × 559 px1240 × 1748 px
A7210 × 298 px280 × 397 px874 × 1240 px
A8147 × 210 px197 × 280 px614 × 874 px
A9105 × 147 px140 × 197 px437 × 614 px
A1074 × 105 px98 × 140 px307 × 437 px
A1174 × 74 px68 × 98 px213 × 307 px
A1237 × 51 px49 × 68 px154 × 213 px
A1326 × 37 px34 × 49 px106 × 154 px