US Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter

The US follows unique paper size standards, including Loose Sizes (e.g., Letter, Legal), ANSI (American National Standards Institute) sizes, and ARCH (Architectural) sizes used for blueprints and technical drawings.

Use this converter to quickly convert US paper sizes to pixels for digital design and printing.

US Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter


Steps to Use the Converter:

  • Enter the PPI value.
  • select the Page size value you want to convert.
  • Press Enter or click the Convert button.

US-Series Paper Standard Sizes

Here are the converted US paper sizes from millimeters to inches.

US Paper Size Millimeters (Width × Height) Inches (Width × Height)
Letter216 × 279 mm8.5 × 11 inches
Legal216 × 356 mm8.5 × 14 inches
Half Letter140 × 216 mm5.5 × 8.5 inches
Junior Legal127 × 203 mm5 × 8 inches
Tabloid279 × 432 mm11 × 17 inches
Ledger432 × 279 mm17 × 11 inches
ANSI A216 × 279 mm8.5 × 11 inches
ANSI B279 × 432 mm11 × 17 inches
ANSI C432 × 559 mm17 × 22 inches
ANSI D559 × 864 mm22 × 34 inches
ANSI E864 × 1118 mm34 × 44 inches
ARCH A229 × 305 mm9 × 12 inches
ARCH B305 × 457 mm12 × 18 inches
ARCH C457 × 610 mm18 × 24 inches
ARCH D610 × 914 mm24 × 36 inches
ARCH E914 × 1219 mm36 × 48 inches
ARCH E1762 × 1067 mm30 × 42 inches
ARCH E2660 × 965 mm26 × 38 inches
ARCH E3686 × 991 mm27 × 39 inches

US Paper Sizes to Pixels (72, 96, 300 PPI)

Convert standard US paper sizes from millimeters to pixels at 72, 96, and 300 PPI for digital design, printing, and web use.

Paper Size 72 PPI (Width × Height) 96 PPI (Width × Height) 300 PPI (Width × Height)
Letter612 × 791 px816 × 1054 px2551 × 3295 px
Legal612 × 1009 px816 × 1346 px2551 × 4205 px
Half Letter397 × 612 px529 × 816 px1654 × 2551 px
Junior Legal360 × 575 px480 × 767 px1500 × 2398 px
Tabloid791 × 1225 px1054 × 1633 px3295 × 5102 px
Ledger1225 × 791 px1633 × 1054 px5102 × 3295 px
ANSI A612 × 791 px816 × 1054 px2551 × 3295 px
ANSI B791 × 1225 px1054 × 1633 px3295 × 5102 px
ANSI C1225 × 1585 px1633 × 2113 px5102 × 5102 px
ANSI D1585 × 2449 px2113 × 3266 px6602 × 10205 px
ANSI E2449 × 3169 px3266 × 4226 px10205 × 13205 px
ARCH A649 × 865 px866 × 1153 px2705 × 3602 px
ARCH B865 × 1295 px1153 × 1727 px3602 × 5398 px
ARCH C1295 × 1729 px1727 × 2306 px5398 × 7205 px
ARCH D1729 × 2591 px2306 × 3454 px7205 × 10795 px
ARCH E2591 × 3455 px3454 × 4607 px10795 × 14398 px
ARCH E12160 × 3025 px2880 × 4033 px9000 × 12602 px
ARCH E21871 × 2735 px2494 × 3647 px7795 × 11398 px
ARCH E31945 × 2809 px2593 × 3746 px8102 × 11705 px